Some days the pain gets unbearable and we need to distance ourselves from it. We need to meet with someone who has a different perspective, who can help us untangle the mess that we made. Someone who truly listens and truly cares.
Psychological violence leaves deep scratches in the surface
of every relationship. If you have endured it in your life, you will most
probably pass it onto others. When two such entities meet, it creates a
conundrum entanglement of hurt and forgiveness. The relationship is fueled by
this immense intensity of pain and withdrawal.
There are situations where it is fairly easy to find the
offender, but in situations like that the unconscious can easily blind us into
enduring these schemes. It is incredibly difficult to break this cycle as it’s
a self-fueling never-ending story. It takes a lot of work, care, understanding
and empathy to build a union of lovers who are above that. It takes harsh
boundaries and strict rules to follow by each side. It takes patience and time
and then again more patience and time. It can work out, but it does not have
I do not want to make any more promises and vows. We may
fall apart, I may leave, and you may leave. Only thing I can say is that as
long as I see the clarity of the choice of us, I will fight. As long as I
believe we can be a team and build ourselves a beautiful life together I will.
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